Welcome to the Pushed Pawn
Our reason for being by Andrew Zito

Continued . . .
Where we hopefully will be striving to document and advance the social, cultural, and technical side of chess, chess players, and chess playing.
Coming from a different age we now can look back at what perhaps seems like a different dimension or a foreign planet as even as kids today we are bombarded.
Bombarded by unbrided commercial�sensationalism, images of the WWF,�sex, dogma, andingnorance�to the right and left of us.
As an adult in the real world, regarding chess many pictures that come to stick in my mind idyllicly represent many of our commonly held aesthetic notions of what universally is best regarded as the finer aspects of chess and chess players.�

The Young Once Smiling Bobby Fischer

Images of a younger innocent Bobby Fischer captured the hearts and minds of an enthusiastic world not merely overly proud Americans rooting from the sidelines against the Ruskis (even from the perspectives of enemies, and opponents) immediately comes to mind.

The young Bobby Fischer was often encouraged by Nixon that symbolically became a contest between us and them, which also served for Nixon as propaganda and a diversion from the controversies that administration engendered, as an image that was sold to fight the cold war.
Iconographic images of a young Bobby Fischer become the daily staple of the American public.

Bobby served as one of the many distractions used by the Nixon Administration to divert American attention from the war in Viet Nam , and the Watergate scandals, as Bobby unwillingly become part of the Nixon strategy.

Though decades earlier the same Bobby Fischer had come to be one of the most often thought of individuals that came to represent the individual, who succeeded as an individual against all opponents and all odds, merely because he was an individual, seeming to represent the American ideals in the Cold War as a poster boy.�

So it is ironic that he has been emotionally poisoned by the US government for merely being more consistent than they and thereby becoming vehemently anti-US government distinguished from times that his photo once much publicized by a western press eager in the "Cold War" hungry for heroes to represent it where now he is vilified.

As he also was glorified and graced the covers of Time, Newsweek, and Life magazine, Chess Life to name a few

Even more than Elvis, or Miss America , and Coca Cola, Bobby Fischer was the innocent pure intelligent America more than anyone else.

Bobby Fischer was not then directly tainted by his own personal politics as was Nixon, in that he was not a crazy long haired hippie radical though in fact his mother drew the F.B.I.'s attentions for having her left wing pro-peace positions,

Bobby Fischer symbolically stood above politics in that he was the epitome of a chess player a successful underdog unaided by even his own government, who had to have his mother at times pressure the USCF in order to gain even nominal support for him to financially afford his activities in representing the US.

As there is no doubt Bobby Fischer met with Fidel Castro so too standing behind him in the shadows n doubt were the men in black sans the sunglasses. There is no doubt that he was watched by the men in black�so as it be�revealed to them what secret information they could glean.Also without doubt in my mind is the fact that he could of been used as an intelligence agent by either US or Russian intelligence and was approached some how by both.
Bobby Fischer�can be described a used and abused child who was perhaps used as an intelligence agent, and in fact he still may be undercover ranting and raving with the prestige of his great chess skills to enter doors which are opened and closed for him as the super personality he is.

Here Bobby Fischer walked the streets with NYC mayor and Presidential hopeful John V. Lindsay.
Today Bobby Fischer used and spent and perhaps burnt out is perhaps the most famous mentally ill Americans who has been penalized, criminalized and forced into exile for doing nothing more than living up to the "FREE ENTERPRISE" ideal of making money playing chess, as he was callously abandoned by a government that pretends to care.

Bobby's Passport taken from him by a�government�insensitively has acted while�claiming to be the champion of freedom is persecuting�him for what didn't even occur in their own country, commited by a man who didn't�want to be in this country, and contrary to the popular jingoistic slogan of "America love it or leave it"�tormented Fischer as�he attempted to walk away from a country he wanted no part of.

There were many who went to Yugoslavia from the USA the first of which that comes to mind is Tim   Hanke who recently resigned from USCF Executive Board as he stated in his candidate statement when he ran for the USCF exec board position only to get there hoop and holler then leave like a spoiled brat.

The USCF had many transactions on a business level with Yugoslavia where they purchased thousands of issues of Informant magazine (whisch I understand they at one point didn't pay for) who as of their October 2005 clearance of stock listed 1100 copies valued over $5500 (due to the other scandal that they gave over their book and equipment business in a sweetheart deal that they agreed to be cheated)

The US Hey ....

A commercial society of "free enterprise", that all too often doesn't need a government program to often demean organized chess as an aesthetic unnecessary to the economic bottom-line accustomed to getting its way. Imagine if chess was treated as the government treats organized art, and organized legal services then the fun really begins for most often it is the Arts not for profit business that gets the financing and grants not the artists, and free legal service is another bludgeon held over the heads of the poor with out rights to legal representation in civil matters which like health care can be crucial.

A bottom-line economy that convinced Gata Kamsky (at least for a time before his emotions and ego kicked in) to strive towards becoming a doctor rather continuing toward the World Chess Championship, as many often pushed away from becoming world champions towards the "more reputable", and "honest pursuits" of some normal profession.




Bobby   Fischer the Poster Boy

One can not deny that artists, and chess players alike or talented people. But in reality chess and the arts are not what produces income but the commerce Jean   Ferrat called "Sallow", hose professions lead to distain, and are often valued for what as a business and trade they produce.

All the compliments are superfluous, when in essence what is paid lip service but in practice is often commonly demeaned and vulgarized by the schizophrenic views of a society obsessed with trade and commercialism that dominate institutionalized chess worldwide and diminish its masters to business..


Here in the United States where at present organized chess is not normally government funded as a sport (as it is in other countries), and beneficially it is not beholden specifically to political interests on the one hand, but on the other they are forced like the child no one wants to fend for itself and be beholden often to the politics of diverse commercial interests.

Commercial interests in chess has increasingly sucked the life blood out of amateur chess proliferating the internet with schemes to capture the "chess playing market", "chess players", while diminishing club chess, coming to dominate what commercially they should not.

To the point that organized chess reflects the same trends in society as do those in industry that has left dead areas where no active chess clubs exist in real life and decent jobs and salaries are hard to come by.


Whereas from the get go there are many commercial chess servers such as the alleged "Internet Chess Club", "USchesslive" (no longer affiliated in any manner with the USCF), Games Parlor, the PlayChess groups, Yahoo, and MSN games et al. have come to dominate a field they shouldn't, that include companies that even commercially advertise software to play chess automatically for you on some servers (cheat) we take a strong position against what we consider anti-social.


There for if you do wish to play chess online we highly recommend and endorse the FICS (http://freechess.org) server that is accessible with one of the numerous interfaces available (i.e. Jin and Winboard) that we will provide here and elaborate on in greater detail.


Organized Chess intrinsically tempted by ambitions and profit (and often forced) to seek funding and support from sources other than which its members can or may provide, on some commercial basis organized chess fails, when it seeks to accomplish ambitious or overly ambitious goals beyond the reach of its members.


Generally it is well thought that it is best one can buy what one needs or desires, and afford what one buys. The true basis of Chess Commerciality and its ugly sibling Consumerism, at best do not always represent the best American or societal interests, as generally those creatures create imbalances of wanton lusts, conflicts of interest, as well as other illnesses and obsessive compulsive manifestations.


We feel strong kinship with the altruistic traditions of American chess that are typified by romantic though elusive pictures of untainted youth (i.e. early Bobby Fischer), that was originally established in part by Paul Morphy of Louisiana (footnote *1 below) represents perhaps one of the best examples of American independent thinking that these times of conformity and mediocre mechanical thinking are sorely needed.

So we are very interested working together with you, and any and all photos and articles, moments and times that you may wish to share (especially related to chess within the social non-commercial context such as community without the encumbrances of commercial interests and are open to suggestions.
If you are a chess player and have friends who are also chess players we will be pursuing projects and will be interested in your articles, photographs and art related to chess, we will be pursuing, publishing, and video projects. If you are interested in writing, or being interviewed on camera, or have your photo taken please contact us.
 (Footnote *1)

Paul Charles Morphy (June 22, 1837 - July 10, 1884), "The Pride and Sorrow of Chess," is considered to have been the greatest chess master of his time, and was an unofficial World Champion. Some chess grandmasters consider Morphy to have been the greatest chessplayer who has ever lived

Morphy was also the first American to be internationally acknowledged as the preeminent world figure in a cultural or intellectual field. He was the first American to supersede the achievements of the Old World, whose culture, up until that point, was considered superior to anything produced by the New World, and became the first American superstar. He is also considered the first modern chess prodigy of the Western world since the creation of the modern rules of chess in Italy in 1475.

Opposed to secession, Morphy did not serve in the Confederate Army but remained for a while in New Orleans , then left the city for Paris. He lived for a time in Paris to avoid the war, returning to New Orleans afterwards.

His principled stance against the war was unpopular in his native South, and he was unable to begin practice of the law after the war. Attempts to open a law office failed due to a lack of clients; if anyone came to his office, it was invariably in regards to chess. Financially secure thanks to his family fortune, Morphy had effectively no profession and he spent the rest of his life in idleness. Asked by admirers to play chess again, he refused, considering chess not worthy of being treated as a serious occupation. Chess in Morphy's day was not a respectable occupation for a gentleman, but was admired only as an amateur activity. Chess professionals in the 1860s were looked upon as akin to professional gamblers and other disreputable types. (Excerpted from Wikipedia 10-08-2005 ) 
































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