Blitz Chess Rules
New Blitz Handicap Rule: 2 Players with a rating difference of: Lower rated vs Higher rated 200 Points- 5minutes vs 4minutes 400 Points- 6minutes vs 4minutes 600 Points- 7minutes vs 3minutes 1. If one of the players does not have an established
(10games) 2.However if a game is between a player who has an established blitz rating versus a player who has not, the TD can use his authority to intervene, with the knowledge that one of the players is only a beginner, and use the following time setup. Beginner vs rated opponent with rating difference of: 1400 6minutes vs. 3minutes 1800 5minutes vs. 3minutes 2000+ 5minutes vs. 2minutes Of course if the lower rated player prefers to play with an even, 5-5 time control with the full knowledge of the given guidelines, then the game could be played without the handicap rules. Contact us for any questions.
1. BASIC RULE Players may not plead ignorance of these rules. 2. TIME CONTROL The Blitz chess time control is 5 minutes sudden death. Whoever runs out of time first loses the game if the opponent has mating material. Minimum mating material is: a pawn, two minor pieces (but not two knights unless opponent has one pawn) or one major piece. 3. EQUIPMENT Standard chess pieces should have a 3" to 4" tall king. The board should have 2-1/8” to 2-3/4” squares with alternating light and dark squares. All piece placements and moves and the board setup are the same as in standard chess. Incorrect piece placement may be corrected as long as both sides have not completed their first move. If the King and Queen are set up incorrectly, castling is done by moving the King two squares toward a rook. A chess clock controls the time of each player. Black gets the choice of standard equipment and the placement of the clock. A digital clock is more standard than an analog clock. By using a clock, a player waives all claims of unfamiliarity with the clock. A player unfamiliar with a clock must ask the presenter of the clock to explain its controls before the game begins. The clock may beep or freeze at the end of the game. Neither player should touch the clock except to push their time button or to straighten it. If either player knocks over a clock, the opponent gets one (1) minute added to his time. A player who accidentally displaces pieces must replace them correctly on his own time before pressing his clock. Incorrect replacement shall be considered an illegal move, if claimed by the opponent before the opponent has completed his next move. A player who does not allow his opponent to press his clock shall be forfeited. 4. INSPECTION OF EQUIPMENT Both sides should inspect the placement of the pieces and the setting of the clock. Once each player has completed a move, no claims about irregular piece placement or clock setting may be made. 5. TOUCH MOVE A player must move or capture the first piece he touches if that move is legal.. A legal move is completed when a player has released the piece from his hand. An illegal move is completed when the player has pressed his clock. 6. PAWN PROMOTIONS Players must declare pawn promotions verbally or by replacement of the pawn. Players may use an upside down rook or other representation as the promoted piece. The opponent of a player who has promoted a pawn may stop the clocks and require the player to replace the pawn with the declared promoted piece. 7. WINNING A GAME A game is won by the player: -who has mated his opponent. -whose opponent has resigned either verbally or by tilting his King. Offering a handshake has no meaning. -whose opponent's flag has fallen if the player has mating material and time on his own clock. -whose opponent has made an illegal move and pressed the clock. The player must claim this before he completes his next move. The player making the claimed illegal move may not claim a win on time. -whose opponent has incorrectly replaced pieces after accidentally displacing them and then pressed his clock. The player must claim this before he makes his next move. 8. DRAWING A GAME A game is drawn: -if both players agree to draw during the game while both flags are up. -if a player does not have mating material and his opponents flag falls. -if both players are out of time. -by a 3-time repetition of position (the second and third repetition must be verbally declared). - if both players have only one identical piece (K+R v K+R for example), either may stop the clocks and claim a draw. The arbiter shall accept the claim if the claimant's opponent cannot demonstrate a forced mate. A player may claim a draw if (1) his opponent must promote a pawn to have checkmating chances and player can demonstrate that the opponent cannot force players King away from a blockade of the pawn or from controlling the pawn promotion square; (2) Player has K+B v K+R where his King cannot be driven from a corner shielded by his Bishop from opponents checking Rook. The opponent of a player whose claim of draw is denied shall be awarded 1 minute. 9. THE ARBITER -shall not intervene in any game to make any claim. All claims must be initiated by the players. -shall not pick up the clock unless both players allow it. -may annul a game if a spectator or player interferes in it. The interfering player may have his games forfeited. -shall not allow excessive banging of the pieces or the clocks and shall add 1 minute to the opponent's clock for each infraction. -shall award the opponent of a rule violator one minute of time or impose greater sanctions as necessary. -shall post these rules publicly before the competition begins. -shall consult observers to discern the facts of an event in dispute. All decisions by the arbiter are final. 10. PLAYER CONDUCT All claims must be made to the arbiter (not to the opponent) while the game is still in progress. Either player may stop the clock to summon the arbiter to settle a dispute or rule on a claim. Players may not annoy their opponent intentionally. Players may not talk during the game except to offer a draw or resign. The opponent of a player behaving in an annoying/distracting manner shall be awarded 1 minute. A first time annoyance should be warned only. Players may not obscure their opponents view of the board with a "hovering" hand. Players must use one hand only as though sitting on the other hand. |